High School Senior Photographer - Mindy Methven, talks about our business classes

"Tell us about how The Senior Year Magazine Business Classes have helped your business."
" 1. Pricing Class- HOLY COW - I can't say enough about this! I was scared to raise my prices so much so I did it a little at a time.
After quickly learning that people WILL spend 'that much' on quality images, prints & products, my fear was gone. I'm finally where I should have been all along."
Mindy: My favorite classes were the Pricing & Model Rep classes . . . That's not to say the others weren't good - It's just that I personally got the most out of these classes.

As a high school senior photographer, do yourself a favor - LISTEN TO BEVERLY! Nobody else cares as much, is willing to teach for the prices she offers, and nobody will ever DO as much as she will for other photographers!
I took other classes and never learned as much as I did with Beverly. I cannot recommend her classes enough!

2. Model Rep Class - I didn't have a model rep program for my business, and with my own kids quickly exiting the high school scene I knew I needed help.
This class taught me everything I needed to know and I now run a very easy, very successful rep program for my high school senior photography business. Each year, I have girls that want to be a part of my team and they do a fantastic job advertising for me.
